India has its fair share of stories that may not have a logical
explanation but continue to arouse our curiosity to this day. These are
similar to the existence of the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland and the
Yeti in the Tibetan Himalayas, both of which people have not been able
to explain. A few claim to have experienced them, while others think of
different theories to justify their existence. Here are some legends
that have some Indians convinced that the supernatural works in the most
mysterious of ways.
1. Kuldhara

Kuldhara village in Rajasthan was abandoned overnight leaving behind
an entire village of crumbling homes and buildings. Legend has it that
the ruler of the region took a keen interest in the daughter of the
subjugated village chief, and to escape humiliation the entire village
of 1500 disappeared overnight. It is said the village chief cursed the
abandoned village, in a way that anyone who tried to inhabit it would
die. Even today, visiting the village is only something the brave would
try and staying the night is at one's own risk.
Members of the Paranormal Society of Delhi stayed the night and
reported supernatural happenings such unexplained moving shadows,
footprints, noises and touching of members.
2. Muhnochwa

In 2002, the rural areas of Uttar Pradesh were in panic about a
strange creature that swept down like a miniature UFO beaming red and
green lights. The creature was described as hawk-like, with metal claws
that aimed at scratching victim faces, leaving them writhing with pain.
Many people were so terrified that temples held sermons to ward away
evil spirits while some villagers stayed up all night around bonfires
with guns and water canons.
The hype gradually died down when police went all out to convince
people that the existence of this creature was a rumour and that the
victims who were affected were probably injured by an unexplained force
of nature.
3. Monkey Man

Nope, he's not a superhero, but what Delhi residents described as a
hairy creature about 5 feet tall with shining red eyes, and a helmet. It
was seen jumping from building to building but was just described as
mass hysteria. The film Delhi 6, starring Abhishek Bacchan, centres
around the appearance of the creature in Old Delhi.