Thursday, December 7, 2017

Ghost photobombs a group photo at the Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana (video)

ST. FRANCISVILLE, LA (WAFB) -The Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana is heralded as one of the nation’s most haunted places. People travel from all over the world to spend the night in hopes of being spooked, whether by hearing or seeing something supernatural.

One group of women got their wish and documented it on camera in the form of a selfie.

On Monday, the haunted plantation posted a picture of some guests standing in front of a row of windows, with an unexpected photobomb.

“Not your average guest selfie…” the post read.

In a window behind the group of women appears to be a face.

Is it the face of Chloe - the slave girl said to haunt the grounds, who has mysteriously appeared in several photographs over the years? Is it just a coincidental reflection off the window?

Was the face the unwelcome party, or the women who came to stay at Chloe's house?

Source: CBS 9 WAFB


Unknown said...

I just have to ask has any real pros tried to bebunk this photo I'm sort seems a bit photo shopped for me no offense ladies I know this can more then be true I have had my own experiences for sure but this just seems a bit fake ???

Anonymous said...

NOT AT ALL that seems so realistic

Ben said...
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Ben said...

This picture in the window is said to be Chloe the maid who poisoned Sara and two of the children.