Saturday, May 21, 2022

MYC Mayor Adams says Gracie Mansion is haunted

Club-going Mayor Eric Adams is a man who likes to boogie. Now he also apparently believes in the boogeyman.

Adams turned his attention from the Bronx Bombers to the Manhattan boo-ers as he broke news in the Yankees press box during Tuesday’s game: Gracie Mansion is haunted. 

“I don’t care what anyone says, there are ghosts in there, man,” Hizzoner told Yankees announcers Michael Kay and Cameron Maybin, who invited him into the booth after the mayor tossed out the first pitch. Adams laughed while confirming he sees stuff moving around and hears footsteps in the stately 223-year-old country house that became the official mayor’s residence in 1942. 

“Listen, they’re creeping around,” he said.

If the mansion is haunted, that would be news to historians, ghost hunters and former employees, who told The Post they aren’t familiar with stories of spirits, hauntings or undead people lurking around the People’s House.

“Absolutely not, I never heard of such idiocy,” said Anna Maria Santorelli, who worked as a chef and event manager at the mansion under mayors David Dinkins, Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg. Santorelli, who sometimes pulled 19-hour shifts feeding the mayor and guests, told The Post she never heard one story of a bump in the night during her many years there. 

Adams is not the first inhabitant of the house to mention ghosts though: Former first lady Chirlane McCray said during a Halloween interview in 2017 that she’d witnessed some unusual activities, saying “there are times when doors open and close by themselves, and the floorboards creak as though someone is walking through the rooms.”

Read Full Article: NY POST

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