Friday, February 26, 2016

Woman captures ghost at a Murder Mystery Party

Ghostly figure appears at Chateau RhianfaThe ghostly figure was caught on camera at a murder mystery night – and guests claim the spooky arrival turned the music off and made the room freezing cold.

Victoria Beech organised the charity event for Blind Veterans UK held at the Chateau Rhianfa hotel in Wales.

She said: "As we were setting up before everyone arrived, the room suddenly became absolutely freezing.

"I popped out to check on the heating and was told it had been on for hours.

"By the time I got back in it was roasting again and our CD player kept stopping and starting too."
The picture was captured by a terrified Suzanne Evanson at the event which raised over £2,000.

She said: "I had absolutely no idea when I took the picture that I was actually capturing a ghost who had turned up to our Murder Mystery night.

"It was only when we looked through the photos again for our next event that we saw the figure."

Read Full Story: Daily Star UK 

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