Monday, June 10, 2013

Dybbuk Box for sale on Ebay from the Ebay buyer

I like to check out ebay and see what people are selling, the interesting ones are the items that are haunted. It seems that people used the word "haunted" very loosely and will throw the word on anything they can to make a sale. And unfortunately there's a sucker born every minute.

But this one actually has a good background story and pictures. So maybe it really is a "Dybbuk Box", or the seller went out of his way to tell a story. Either way it's selling.

Here is the description and story regarding this item, and pictures added below.

This is a Dybbuk Box. I purchased it about five months ago from someone off eBay who claimed the box was "pure evil". I had no intention of opening the box, but much to my horror, the lock busted open in shipping. Seeing that the box was already open, I figured I might as well see what the contents are; There was a lot of old Jewelry with the initials R.H.C. (the original owner figured out the name of the dybbuk through his research, and I will reveal the name to the winner), very old pictures of different places, little jewelry pins, and a few pocket knifes.  The interior of the box is very interesting as well, it has two hidden drawers, and upon further inspection of the box I realized it used to be a music box!  I believe the previous owner had such a negative experience with the box because he admitted to breaking the box open and damaging parts of it. When I received the box, I did some EVP recordings that had little success, however, I found when you touch the box and interact with it, things begin to happen. As I was in the process of restoring the box, I was bending over my work bench, and I received a swift, painful KICK IN MY BACK!!! I nearly fell over. I was not very happy about this and  four days later I decided to seal the box with wax, which is the traditional method of sealing a dybbuk. After I had sealed the box I felt a strange euphoria, and I gave the box a happy pat and left the room. Upon returning to the room, it smelled completely of Jasmine, and I have nothing in my room that would generate that scent. Most recently, my room had been STRUCK BY LIGHTNING (seen in the pictures) right where I had placed the dybbuk box!!! Everything in my room was cast aside and knocked over, except for my three reptile cages, as if the events were controlled and happening around them. After this event, I moved the box to the garage. A few days later, I took pictures of the box in my garage and left very quickly and immediately got into my car to run some errands. However, it took ten minutes to start the car and I have never had problems with it before. This morning I went out to my car and found that all the windows were rolled down and my wallet was in a different place in my house. I don't necessarily believe this box is "evil" because I have done a fair amount of reading on Dybbuks, and found that they have their OWN AGENDAS, and they create these events to let their keepers know that their agenda is taking them elsewhere now. For obvious reasons, no returns whatsoever. Only ships within USA

Source: Ebay


  1. Is this box up for sale again somewhere??

  2. I want this box, no matter what. I can guarantee that it will not be returned, no matter what. Please respond

  3. Keep looking up this type of item on sites like Ebay,..they pop up all the time. BB=ut buyer,..beware

  4. Well jewelry may be inside of this box because of the previous owners emotional attachment to the jewelry which will hold energy. But the original dybbuk box was actually a Jewish wine box. But either way negative energy is probably attached to either box. So good luck to however the keeper is with both boxes..

  5. Well jewelry may be inside of this box because of the previous owners emotional attachment to the jewelry which will hold energy. But the original dybbuk box was actually a Jewish wine box. But either way negative energy is probably attached to either box. So good luck to however the keeper is with both boxes..

  6. Do you still have this box tasha

  7. This is a true story. The box is kept by a Catholic Church and a priest came to cleanse the house.

  8. Take a closer look..... This is likely a tabernacle is a fixed, locked box in which, in some Christian churches, the Eucharist is "reserved" (stored). A less obvious container for the same purpose, set into a wall, is called an aumbry. Within Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and in some congregations of Anglicanism and Lutheranism, a tabernacle is a box-like vessel for the exclusive reservation of the consecrated Eucharist. It is normally made of metal, stone or wood, is lockable and secured to its altar or adjacent wall to prevent the consecrated elements within from being removed without authorization. The "reserved Eucharist" is secured there for distribution at services, for availability to bring Holy Communion to the sick, and, especially in the Western Church, as the center of attention for meditation and prayer. The term "tabernacle" arose for this item as a reference to the Old Testament tabernacle which was the locus of God's presence among the Jewish people – hence, it was formerly required (and is still generally customary) that the tabernacle be covered with a tent-like veil or curtains across its door when the Eucharist is present within. See Wikipedia.

  9. I've had a Dybbuk box buried in my backyard woods for around 26 years. I found it in the woods in a place called place called French Creek in Lorain Ohio and brought it with me, for some reason I always was amazed about antiques. I cannot keep it in the house because everything in the house messes up starting from the stove to the microwave, refrigerator all from short circuits electrical surge or something like that went through them. Unexplainable. I find dead animals in the woods all the time from squirrels to raccoons. Worst mistake of my life too find that.

    1. Hello, im interested to know if the box you buried is still on your property and would you be interested in selling it to me?

  10. Hello if anyone is interest in a dibbuk box, the real thing, ther's a guy I met that can get you a dibbuk box, he got me one and I had the experience of my life, my box has a djinn bind it and Im able to comunicate to him...I dont know much about this guy...I only know he his from Europe and he is an expert in goetian and solomonic magic and he has the king Solomon ritual to bind a spirit to a box and this spirit will serv worked for me, so if you like the paranormal has I do, you should try but he is very exclusive...good luck contact him to he is called Constantine

  11. So, I have contacted this person at i hope to hear from this person soon.

    1. Did reply to your email

  12. Where is this box I want to buy it?

  13. I have a real spanish catholic demon exorcism box.i have heard things moving inside of it multiple times and one time I had it in my room on a desk and I could feel someone standing in front of me while I was asleep and then I seen a demon face in my face and I woke up yelling and jumped out of bed most terrifying thing I ever seen. Anyone wanna buy it I'll be willing to sell it its very creepy and people i show it to get dizzy when they see it and headaches
